Friday, January 21, 2011

Fashion Friday: What Colours Suit your Complexion?

When shopping alone I find myself looking for the right colour first and foremost to suit my complexion which in this case is C. After doing some research I discovered it's not that hard. Just take a look at some of these celebs and their distinguishing features that help them look their best.

First determine your skin tone...


Pale white, olive, or dark skin; brunette; dark colored eyes; Asian or African.


Blue or pink undertones; pale or pink skin; naturally blond or brunette; light coloured eyes.


Golden undertones; redhead or brunette; golden brown eyes.


Golden undertones; creamy white or peach skin; strawberry red hair; freckles; coloured eyes.

Now choose clothes to flatter your skin tone...

Category A should wear colors that are sharp, stark and clear. White, black, navy blue, red and shocking pink all go well this type of complexion. For lighter colors, wear icy tones rather than pastels. Avoid subdued tones like beige, orange and gold.

Category B should choose pastels and soft neutrals with rose and blue undertones. Lavender, plum, rose-brown and soft blue suit well while black and orange do not.

Category C should select colors with golden undertones, like camel, beige, orange, gold and dark brown. Avoid colors with blue tones, like navy.

Category D can wear warm colors like camel, peach, golden yellow and golden brown. Avoid dark, dull colors.

Happy shopping!

--Eleni M

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