Monday, January 10, 2011

Muscle Mondays: Swim Your Heart Out!

Now that winter has kicked off here in Toronto no need to stop working out. Instead, go inside and swim your heart out. Swimming uses all of your major muscle groups. Swimming is popular because it is low impact yet it really does burn calories.

Swimming Keeps You Fit By:

Providing a good workout: Swimming and aquatic exercise are similar to other activites like walking, running and cycling.

Toning up the whole body: Water is a good substitute for weights because it offers 12 to 14% more resistance than air.

Improving and maintaining flexibility: Joint flexibility is enhanced faster than land based programs, especially in the neck, shoulders, hips and midsections. This is because of all the twist movements that are repetitive when you swim.

Mobilizing joints without stress and pain: Because you are 90% lighter in water than you are in air it makes your body lighter. The water supports the body while providing a head to toe workout even if you are injured or pregnant.

Helping you lose weight: Swimming and aquatic workout have a calorie-burning potential of 350 to 450 calories per hour. Combined with a healthy diet, swimming will help fat loss and increase muscle mass to give your body a lean, firm, well-defined appearance. Compared to walking, which burns 135 calories every 30 minutes with deep-water walking, which burns 240 calories per half hour.

--- Tanya G

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