Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What's Hot Wednesday: Women Supporting Men with Prostate Cancer

Back in the beginning of November, us ladies here at What's Fabulous started our own campaign - Pink Movember and with that we have been receiving many pictures and have been using many creative outlets to express our feelings regarding Prostate Cancer. Cancer has affected everyone here at Fabulous PR, in some way. Stephanie, wrote out a poem commemorating how prostate cancer affects a child. As well, we have a guest post from Melissa McKenzie.

I would awaken to the smell of coffee

He needed his morning fix to get through the day
That smell...that taste its not for me
“Morning dad”, I would say

“Good Morning love, start dinner without me tonight I'll be home late”
No questions asked, just a smile and a hug
What's he doing, where's he going, maybe just a date
Oops he forgot his favourite mug!

Later that night he told me to have a seat
I could tell something was wrong.. from the look in his eyes
He told me how he loved me so, and said “you are so sweet...”
(deep breath) I've been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, I might not live too long

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized
Realized what this meant
As days turned into weeks a week quickly became a month

We spent our time in the hospital
I need to go somewhere I need to vent
I turned to God and asked him why? Why him – I had to be blunt
Was my daddy ready for this life time battle?

He was losing energy
How much more can he take
the doctor said “you might want to prepare your eulogy”

Late that night he passed – it was a beautiful funeral by the lake
I fill his cup to the top
And have a drink for dad
I keep imagining him here, I really need to stop
This is all to much for me, I am completely sad

--- Stephanie

I hate the taste of coffee
The liquid makes me sick
The flavour is so potent
The consistency, too thick

Yet every single morning
I make myself a cup
I grab the Folgers, throw it in and fill the glass jar up

I sit down at the table
On the old chair to the right
I swirl the liquid round and round
And hold his mug real tight

I inhale very deeply
And then I take a sip

I do this as quick as I can
I often burn my lip

I do this every morning
It’s what I need to do
It helps me feel as if he’s here

It’s how I make it through

My father loved his coffee
He drank it everyday
He’d sit on the old chair to the right
And swear he was okay

Prostate cancer killed my father
It took my father’s life
He left behind a bunch of friends
A daughter and a wife

So I sit here swirling coffee
Compliant with my fate
And I burn my lip on coffee
The coffee that I hate

---Melissa McKenzie

Have a fabulous day, and let's show our support to these men battling Prostate Cancer.
Take a picture of yourself (ladies) wearing a pink mustache, and send it over to us either by E-mail or Post It On The What's Fabulous Facebook Page or Tweet It ...  there are so many ways to get these mustaches in.

--- What's Fabulous Staff

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